Welcome to my website. If you’re here for the first time you probably have many questions about me, hypnosis, and hypnotherapy. You may also be wondering how hypnotherapy can be used to provide spiritual, emotional and physical healing. If you have any unanswered questions please feel free to call or email me.
I'm Jim Lee, a board certified hypnotherapist practicing in Binghamton, in New York’s Southern Tier. I'm board certified to practice hypnotherapy by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. I am also certified to conduct past life regressions.
Hypnosis is simply a mental state where the conscious part of your mind is relaxed (but never disconnected) so that your subconscious mind is available to communicate with you as well as accept helpful suggestions. Being hypnotized is often compared to losing yourself in a good book or movie. You are always aware of everything that is happening under hypnosis and you are always in control.
I will act as your guide after you're in a relaxed state of mind, helping you find the source of your particular issue, whether spiritual, emotional, mental or physical. I then use various hypnotic techniques to assist you. I specialize in personalizing my approach to your particular needs since the information stored in your subconscious is very personal to you. I do not utilize standard suggestions for you to accept. Instead, I offer personalized suggestions tailored to your situation and needs.
Hypnotherapy is a safe and powerful tool to assist you in relieving (and in many cases) eliminating a variety of problems such as pain, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, fears, insomnia, headaches, and unwanted habits like smoking or overeating. Hypnotherapy is also effective in healing various physical conditions and illnesses as well as promoting a sense of mental and physical well being and spiritual enlightenment.
Please contact me if you have any questions!