Hypnotherapy for Depression

Depression Help Through Hypnosis 

Stress is a major cause of depression.  According to the World Health Organization, depression is the 4th leading cause of disability in the world and it is expected to be the 2nd leading cause of disability by 2020. Symptoms can include significantly altered mood and thought processes.

A depressed person may feel sad, empty, or hopeless. They may lose interest in activities they used to enjoy, have changes in appetite or sleep, feel tired, or have trouble concentrating.

Hypnosis can help with problems like anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and Depression

Hypnosis helps people deal with stress and minimize or eliminate issues like anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and depression. I focus on these problems because that why most people come to see me. However, hypnosis works equally well eliminating any disorder caused by stress.

Depression help through a three session program

First Session

I give you the ability to remain relaxed with an elevated mood and energy throughout the day. This takes you out of the fight or flight reflex during your waking hours.  Additionally, when you are relaxed with elevated mood and energy, you respond to stressful situations much more calmly and objectively, because a calm mind operates much more effectively and efficiently than an overactive stressed mind. Most people on vacation are relaxed . They find that situations which would normally be stressful are no longer stressful or much less so. You have the ability to feel like you’re on vacation all day long every day.

Second Session

I give you the ability to release any negative emotions that you are harboring toward anyone in your life, past and/or present.  By releasing all negative emotions regarding these individuals, you take away their ability to ever negatively affect you again for things they may have done or failed to do. After the second session, you will able to see, hear, have a memory or a thought about them, and it will have no negative effect on you emotionally. You become free of their influence. You will feel lighter and happier.

Third Session

I give you the ability to access and reframe memories of traumatic events thereby eliminating any negative emotional impact from past traumas.

At the end of the third session, you will have resolved virtually all of the significant results of chronic stress.

Please contact me if you have any questions!