
Jim Lee is board certified by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists to practice hypnotherapy and is also certified to conduct past life regressions. Board certification is the highest certification offered by IACT. This requires a minimum number of years practicing as a hypnotherapist plus additional training, knowledge and evaluations beyond that of a basic certification. I am required to have additional continuing education hours each year to maintain board certification.

His path to becoming a hypnotherapist was an unexpected gift. For more than 25 years enjoyed a successful career as a trial lawyer in Binghamton, New York. However, something happened to which changed perception of his life, his family, and the world. In his own words, he tells his story!

Many years ago, I requested a past life regression in an attempt to deal with a physical problem. I went to a qualified clinical psychologist for the regression and had the “usual” concerns. Was there such a thing as a past life regression or, for that matter, reincarnation? After all, I was raised in a strict Catholic family and had even considered the priesthood for period of time. Reincarnation was not a belief taught by the nuns and priests I had encountered.

Additionally, I wondered whether I could be hypnotized and, if so, what benefit I would get from a past life regression. I worried that I might not ever come out of hypnosis and wondered if hypnosis might be like the hypnosis stage acts I’d seen.

What I never considered was that the past life regression would have such a positive and life-altering impact on me.

After being regressed to a past life, I re-experienced it in incredible detail. I knew names, locations, dates and other information about that lifetime. I experienced strong emotions while witnessing various significant life events. After I moved through that lifetime, I found myself up in Spirit/Heaven where I was met by my Spirit Guide/ Guardian Angel.

While in Spirit I learned of mistakes I had been making lifetime after lifetime and had finally corrected in this particular lifetime. I also experienced an enormous feeling of love while being up in Spirit. I gained a new and otherworldly perspective on some troubling aspects of my present lifetime. I also saw human beings differently. I was able to see them simply as other souls at various levels of maturity and advancement working toward their soul's advancement. When I returned from my state of hypnosis my view of the world and the human race had been permanently changed. I discovered inner peace and a patience and tolerance of the worst of human behavior.

I learned that death is not the end of a soul's existence. Knowing that death merely frees a soul from the physical plane and enables it to go to a place of unconditional love removed any thought or concern about death.

From that point on I developed a special interest in hypnosis, particularly past life and life between lives regressions. I then discovered the books of Dr. Michael Newton, a clinical psychologist. Dr. Newton conducted thousands of life between lives regressions and noted that there was a strong similarity in the accounts of these people when describing Spirit/Heaven.

Reading these books, I was shocked to read how the experience of all these other people closely mirrored what I had experienced years before Dr. Newton's books were written. This caused me to believe even more strongly that my past life and between lives experiences were genuine.

I subsequently became board certified as a hypnotherapist by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and have also been certified as a past life regressionist. I am an instructor at the local community college in classes entitled: "Hypnosis and Healing", "Past Life and Life Between Lives", "Quit Smoking with Hypnosis", and “Thought Field Therapy”.

Since becoming certified, and later board certified, I have been privileged as a hypnotherapist to witness miracle after miracle as my clients, under hypnosis, have been able to let go of years of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. Many times my clients have found substantial, if not total, relief in one session. They have been able to reduce or in many cases eliminate physical pain and disease, bad habits, fears, anxiety, and stress. They have been able to find spiritual answers that have eluded them and obtain fresh perspectives on themselves and the world around them.

I feel this is due to my personalized approach to each person and each issue. I guide my clients to the subconscious source of their issues so they can address them specifically and intelligently. Armed with this information, I guide them through the use of various hypnotherapy techniques. I never uses canned suggestions when helping my clients—instead, my suggestions are tailored to their specific needs.

From a life-changing experience that lead to my current work with clients of all ages, I’ve been blessed to maintain a unique perspective of and enthusiasm for the miracles waiting to be discovered through the responsible use of hypnotherapy.

Please contact me if you have any questions!