Lose Weight with Hypnosis

Why do people gain weight?

Most people who come to see me for weight loss fall into two categories:

  1. They love the taste of food. They have been raised since childhood to eat everything on their plate. They eat too much food and too many unhealthy snacks and desserts
  2. They are suffering from emotional issues which lead to food cravings, “stress eating” or choosing higher calorie “comfort foods”

It is often said that “food is a substitute for love.” With many of my overweight clients, I find that at a very early age they were denied the love and affection of one or both of their parents. This often sets up a false limiting belief that they are defective in some way or are not lovable.  Negative experiences in their lives reinforce this false belief.

Often, it is this craving for love in their lives which produces food cravings.  Other emotional stress issues such as anxiety, depression, and sadness can also cause food cravings for unhealthy portions or food choices resulting in weight gain.

You have to want to change your eating habits.

For hypnosis to be effective, you have to want to change your unhealthy eating patterns. Without this motivation and desire to change, hypnosis will not work for you.

How will hypnosis help me lose weight?

If you are overweight simply because you love eating unhealthy foods in unhealthy quantities, I offer a three session weight loss program similar to my smoking cessation program.

I give you the ability to remain relaxed with an elevated mood and energy throughout each waking day. This helps if you eat when you are stressed or tired. You will reorient your thinking on a subconscious level to understand that consuming food is only meant to restore your body’s energy needs and nothing more. You will be able to quickly and easily eliminate food cravings.

If you eat due to emotional issues which produce food cravings, I offer a four session weight loss program. This program also gives you the ability to be relaxed with an elevated mood and energy all day and eliminate food cravings. You will learn how to clear emotional baggage from past experiences that cause your cravings. You will develop a new perspective on eating solely as a source of energy.

Please contact me if you have any questions!