Parts Assessment and Integration

Apart from the 3 session program, if warranted, I sometimes utilize parts therapy to resolve a client's issues.When a client is in a relaxed state, I put the client in touch with the part of their subconscious mind responsible for the issue. 

For example, when helping a client to quit smoking, I put them in contact with their "smoking part". I then have the client communicate with the smoker part by asking questions in their minds and then relaying to me the first thoughts that come into their mind.It is pure mental telepathy, communicating from one part of their mind to another. A common question for the smoker part is whether they will agree to assist the client in not smoking and if not, what the smoker parts concerns are. The client then negotiates with the smoker part to eliminate those concerns and gain their cooperation.

Parts Assessment and Integration Technique

When a client's issue is not clear or straight forward, I use a "parts assessment and integration technique". I put the client in contact with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts. The client then communicates with each part, asking questions and trying to get clarification as to the cause of the client's issue(s).

It is amazing how the different parts respond to the same question from their own unique perspective. Often, after communicating with each part, the client has a clear grasp of the issue(s) and it cause(s)

At the end of the session, the client integrates the various parts into one functioning part.

Please contact me if you have any questions!