Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

Why do people smoke?

Most people who want to quit smoking fall into two categories:

  1. They started smoking at an early age and continue to smoke out of habit and the addictive chemicals in cigarettes.
  2. They started smoking due to various stressors throughout their lives, including emotional traumas. Smoking cigarettes gave them a chance to take a short break from life’s demands. Now they want to stop.

You have to want to quit smoking

There’s an old joke that goes: “How many hypnotherapists does it take to change a light bulb?”  The answer: “Just one but the light bulb really has to want to change”.  Similarly, hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you quit smoking, but you have to really want to quit. Your subconscious mind will only accept a suggestion if it is wanted by you and beneficial to you in some way. If you don’t truly want to quit, hypnosis is ineffective.

How will hypnosis help me quit smoking?

Hypnosis is helpful in many ways.  I offer a three session program to help you quit smoking.

In the first session you will learn how to remain relaxed with an elevated mood and energy all day long, every day. This helps if you smoke when under stress. You will be able to eliminate cravings for cigarettes.

You will also be able to communicate with that part of your subconscious mind that makes you want to smoke.

 Initially, you will enlist the cooperation of your  ”smoker part” to help you quit smoking. Sometimes the smoker part has reservations about quitting and this can require a negotiation between your conscious and subconscious mind. Assuming your smoker part wants to cooperate, it tells you the maximum number of cigarettes that you will absolutely need in a day. Using your new tools,  you will  limit yourself to the maximum number of daily cigarettes dictated by your subconscious mind, a number which will diminish during the program.

At the end of the first session I eliminate the various triggers in your subconscious mind that make you want to smoke, such as waking up in the morning, after morning coffee or a meal, driving to work, after drinking alcohol, or while bored. The second and third sessions are used to strengthen and reinforce your tools to quit smoking.

You will able to reduce your number of daily cigarettes to zero or close to zero by the end of the third session.

Hypnosis is cost effective

Depending on how many cigarettes you are smoking at the beginning of the program, the money saved by quitting will normally pay for the program in 5 to 7 weeks. For example, if you are smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, you are most likely paying about $70 per week.  In about 5 weeks after completing the program, the money saved from not buying cigarettes will pay for the program. Once you quit smoking for good, think of all the things you will be able to do with the money you save! How much will you save? Do the math!

What about Vaping?

Many people have transitioned to vaping as a way to get away from cigarettes. With all of the recent publicity and health concerns(including deaths), now is the time to make a change. The hypnosis program is similar.

Please contact me if you have any questions!